Dues 22-23

Although the COVID 19 situation is currently under control, it still is a major concern worlwide. Most of the Wild Gold and Wild Black teams will travel out of state at least 1 time (except 11s and 12s) and our Wild Gold 15s-16s-17s will have postseason training and tournament included. It is impossible to prepare for every scenario, but these are specific things we have decided to do for the 22-23 season:

  • There are NO refunds/credits unless the season is cancelled, so if you commit to a team, you are expected to participate. If you quit during the season, you are still liable for club fees.
  • Trigger for refund/credit  is USA-NTR officially cancelling the season
  • Developed budget to recognize what can be refunded/credited at anytime of the season, so every family knows what they have at risk, and there are no surprises.
  • If tournaments are cancelled, we intend to continue to offer practices unless we are not allowed.
  • Expenses that are refundable, non refundable and recoverable
  • As payments are made, money is allocated to nonrefundable expenses, recoverable expenses and the difference is refundable
  • Recoverable expenses are refundable but amount may vary pending on what the club recovers ( for cancelled tournaments and travel)
  • The NTR tournament schedule will be officially published in late August-early September so team schedules will be finalized then.
  • To be eligible for a refund/credit, family must be up to date with payments.
  • Skills sessions September til November, Tentatively on Wednesdays

Fees DO include:

  • Tournament entrance fees, practices courts, coaching expenses, uniforms and equipment for all teams.
  • Coaches travel expenses for REGULAR season. (airfare, transportation, meals, hotel.
  • Coaches travel for posteseason for teams with postseason included. (Wild Gold 15s-16s-17s)
  • Sports Performance package is no longer included and will be offered as an option.
  • Skills sessions September til November – tentatively on Wednesdays

Fees DON’T include:
– Player Travel (airfare, transportation, meals, hotels)
– Post Season training and competition. Only exceptions are 17WG, 16WG, 15WG

We offer different levels.

Team Season Practices a week Duration


Out of State Postseason Included
Metro Jan-Apr once 1.5 hrs 4 0 No
Wild Dec-Apr twice 2 hrs 7 1 (@) No(**)
Wild Gold 13-14 Wild Black 13-17 Dec-Apr twice 2hrs 8-9 1 No(**)
Wild Gold 15-17 Dec-Jul twice 2hrs 9-11 2 Yes(*)
Wild Gold 11-12 Wild Black 11-12 Dec-Apr twice 2hrs 8-9 0 No(**)
WIld Gold 18s Dec-Apr twice 2hrs 8-10 1 No(**)


(@) – Shreveport tournament. If not possible then we will sub for Houston or Austin.

(*) Will attend USAV Nationals (late June-early July) if team qualifies or AAU Nationals (mid to late June). Practices start at the end of May and go until GJNC or AAU. 

(**) Postseason training and tournaments are NOT included. Team will attend Nationals if team qualifies. Extra cost will apply for postseason. $1,000-$1,350

Team Acceptance Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr Total
Metro $418 $300 $300 $300 $300   $1,618
Wild $760 $352 $352 $352 $352 $352 $352 $352 $352 $352 $3,928
WB 11-12 $760 $370 $370 $370 $370 $370 $370 $370 $370 $370 $4,090
WB 13-17 $760 $450 $450 $450 $450 $450 $450 $450 $450 $450 $4,810
WG 11-12 $760 $370 $370 $370 $370 $370 $370 $370 $370 $370 $4,090
WG 13-14 $760 $450 $450 $450 $450 $450 $450 $450 $450 $450 $4,810
WG 15-17 $760 $622 $622 $622 $622 $622 $622 $622 $622 $622 $6,358
WG 18 $760 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $5,260