Dues 23-24

Although the COVID 19 situation is currently under control, it still is a major concern worlwide. Most of the Wild Gold and Wild Black teams will travel out of state at least 1 time (except 11s and 12s) and our Wild Gold 14s will have postseason training and tournament included. It is impossible to prepare for every scenario, but these are specific things we have decided to do for the 23-24 season:

  • There are NO refunds/credits unless the season is cancelled, so if you commit to a team, you are expected to participate. If you quit during the season, you are still liable for club fees.
  • Trigger for refund/credit  is USA-NTR officially cancelling the season
  • Developed budget to recognize what can be refunded/credited at anytime of the season, so every family knows what they have at risk, and there are no surprises.
  • If tournaments are cancelled, we intend to continue to offer practices unless we are not allowed.
  • Expenses that are refundable, non refundable and recoverable
  • As payments are made, money is allocated to nonrefundable expenses, recoverable expenses and the difference is refundable
  • Recoverable expenses are refundable but amount may vary pending on what the club recovers ( for cancelled tournaments and travel)
  • The NTR tournament schedule will be officially published in late August-early September so team schedules will be finalized then.
  • To be eligible for a refund/credit, family must be up to date with payments.
  • Skills sessions September and October Tentatively on Wednesdays

Fees DO include:

  • Tournament entrance fees, practices courts, coaching expenses, uniforms and equipment for all teams.
  • Coaches travel expenses for REGULAR season. (airfare, transportation, meals, hotel.
  • Coaches travel for posteseason for teams with postseason included. (Wild Gold 14s)
  • Sports Performance package is included for all Wild old and Wild Black teams, and will be offered as an option for Wild, Metro and Cats.
  • Skills sessions September and October – tentatively on Wednesdays

Fees DON’T include:
– Player Travel (airfare, transportation, meals, hotels)
– Post Season training and competition. Only exception is 14WG.

We offer different levels.

Team Season Practices a week Duration


Out of State Postseason Included
Cats 10-11 Jan-Apr twice 1.5 hrs 5 0 No
Metro Jan-Apr once 1.5 hrs 4 0 No
Wild Dec-Apr twice 2 hrs 7 1 (@) No(**)
WIld Gold 18s Dec-Apr twice 2 hrs 8-9 1 No(**)
Wild Gold 15-17 Dec-Apr twice 2hrs 8-9 2 No(**)
Wild Gold 14 Dec-Apr twice 2hrs 10-11 1 Yes (*)
Wild Gold 13 Dec-Apr twice 2 hrs 8-9 1 No(**)
Wild Gold 12   Dec-Apr twice 2 hrs 8-9 0 No(**)
     Wild Black 13-17 Dec-Jul twice 2hrs 8-9 1 No(**)
Wild Black 12 Dec-Jul twice 2hrs 8-9 0 No(**)

(*) There will be a 3-4 week break after Regionals before practices resume. Postseason included for 14 WG.

(**) If team qualifies for postseason, there will be a 3-4 week break after Regionals before practices resume. Extra fee will apply for postseason training and competition.

(@) tournament in Shreveport LA. If not available, we will sub for a tournament in Houston or Austin.

Team Aacceptance Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr Total
Cats 10-11 $470 $250 $250 $250 $250 $250 $250 $250 $250 $250 $2.720
Metro $500 $400 $400 $400 $400 $2,100
Wild $760 $385 $385 $385 $385 $385 $385 $385 $385 $385 $4,225
12 WB $760 $470 $470 $470 $470 $470 $470 $470 $470 $470 $4,990
13-17 WB $760 $565 $565 $565 $565 $565 $565 $565 $565 $565 $5,845
12 WG $760 $470 $470 $470 $470 $470 $470 $470 $470 $470 $4,990
13 WG $760 $565 $565 $565 $565 $565 $565 $565 $565 $565 $5,845
14 WG $760 $692 $692 $692 $692 $692 $692 $692 $692 $692 $6,988
15-17 WG $760 $630 $630 $630 $630 $630 $630 $630 $630 $630 $6,430
18 WG $760 $622 $622 $622 $622 $622 $622 $622 $622 $622 $6,358