Boys Program

Due to many requests, we will try to form our first boys team (s) in the 2024-25 season. Like we did with our girls program, the idea is to start with the young group, 12 and under, and grow every year to offer older age groups. Girls volleyball has been around North Texas for decades. Boys volleyball is fairly new in the area, but it is fast growing. There are not many boys only tournaments in the area, so boys teams usually play in tournaments that allow both boys and girls play. As our program grows, we will plan on start traveling around the state and country to play in boys only tournaments, but we will stay in the DFW only this first year. The main goal is to offer great training to the athletes in a safe environment.

Practices are held once a week in our state of art facility at SSAC (Sport Support Athletic Center) courts and teams will play in 6 tournaments sanctioned by the North Texas region. We will provide one of our qualified coaches to lead the team. Minimum number of athletes per team is 10.

Instinct Metro provides the player(s) with:

  • An experienced volleyball coach (Impact certified)
  • A weekly 90 2-hour practice – Dec-Feb
  • 6 1-day tournaments
  • 1 game jersey, 1 pair of shorts, 1 practice t-shirt, 1 pair of knee pads.

Tentative Schedule


Practices – Sundays 6-8 pm
Dec 8, 15, 29* (*depending on number of available athletes)
Jan 5, 12, 19, 26
Feb 2 and 9
1/18/2025 January Jam 1-day DFW
1/25/2025 Hear Me Roar 1-day DFW
2/1/2025 Savanna Clash 1-day DFW
2/15/2025 Winter Rumble 2-day DFW
2/22/2025 Feb Frenzie 1-day DFW
Payment Plan
At Sign Up
$ 200
December 5th
$ 200